Anat Hoffman Named Among BBC’s 100 Inspiring Women of 2024
Anat Hoffman Named Among BBC’s 100 Inspiring Women of 2024
Why One Student Stopped Protesting WOW
Anat Hoffman is celebrating 70 years of changing the world
Dozens of “Esters” at the Kotel
We Will Go The Distance
We Will Go The Distance One day, this will all be unbelievable…
Igniting the Light of Independence
Rosh Hodesh Iyar with a Torah scroll – Celebrating Israeli Independence
Unfiltered: The Kotel Agreement’s “Unbirthday”
It’s been seven years since the Kotel Agreement was passed
So close, yet so far
Rosh Hodesh Tevet – MK Rabbi Kariv brings in Torah but is barred from giving it to us
Battlefield or Kotel Plaza? A Lone Soldier’s Bat Mitzvah
Rosh Hodesh Elul | Lone Soldier Gabi’s Bat Mitzvah
Ta’amod, Ta’amod, Rise Up!
Words from Bat Mitzvah girl, Lucia | Support future Bat Mitzvahs with WOW
Laissez Faire Security
Rosh Hodesh Heshvan – MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv was able to bring in the Torah Scroll
Shredded Siddurim and Shrugged Shoulders
Thirty-nine WOW siddurim (prayer books) were destroyed by an angry mob of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students at the Kotel
WOW’s “Warm Welcome” at the Kotel
We received a “warm welcoming” at the Kotel while MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv has brought in a Torah Scroll for … Read more
A Place at the Seder Table
The hagadah talks about 4 children, and they all have a sit around the seder table | Elections in Israel … Read more
Just Beyond Reach
Rosh Hodesh Nisan – Rabbi Gilad Kariv was stopped at the entrance with a Torah Scroll | A torah ark … Read more
“Daddy, I am going to help Mommy liberate the Kotel.”
Golan’s first time at the Kotel was with WOW | Purim 2021 | Upcoming events
A Coffee To Go
Hundreda of Haredi men crowded against us at the Kotel | Hardei man threw Hot coffee on Anat Hoffman
Spot the Difference
Hanukkah candle lighting at the Kotel – two different events | A rainy Rosh Hodesh Tevet
Still Fighting for Torah
Anat Hoffman passing on the Hanukkah story to her granddaughter Daphne | Hanukkah events
We Are Seeds- You Are Our Water
Rosh Hodesh Kislev – the Kotel Rabbi brought out the big guns | Year End Campaign
Wrapped in Feeling of Community
A WOW community | our latest programing | Save the date for Rosh Hodesh Heshvan
Why is WOW Like a Butterfly?
A personal message from Anat Hoffman for the new year | Upcoming events
Trumpeting for Equality
A 19 year old attacked us at the Kotel | Rosh Hodesh Elul at the Kotel |Save the Date for … Read more
We don’t want you, we don;t need you
Women are asked not tp come to Synagogue during Covid-19 crisis – WOW in action: our upcoming activities
The Kotel will bring us together!
Rosh Hodesh Av | What happened at the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs meeting | Torah reading class
What a Difference Three Years Makes…. Or Not
3 Years for the Kotel agreement cancellation | Save the date: The Dangers of Excluding Women from the Public Sphere
A Penny for Your Thoughts
How can we stay connected during these times | Save the date for our next event
The Month of the Giving of the Torah
Women of the Wall are back at the Kotel – Save the date for our Shavuot event
Greetings from the Land of Milk and Honey
A lesson given – Israel’s new government – WOW in action – Shavout event coming up
Heroines of the Passover Story
The Passover story is filled with tales of powerful women.. – A biblical discourse כםר Passover
Rosh Hodesh Gathering – No Masks or Gloves Required!
For the firat time in 31 years – Women of the Wall will not be praying at the Wall