Thoughts on Yesterday’s Tefilot, WOW Supporter Sheryl Eretz

Thoughts on Yesterday’s Tefilot, WOW Supporter Sheryl Eretz

I am glad that Ariella Rosen wrote her blog describing what happened two days ago on Rosh Hodesh Sivan at the Kotel.  She describes so eloquently what I was feeling.  I was standing next to her and I too was wearing a long tallit.
What exactly is one supposed to do when asked to change one’s tallit during Shema?  I think we both got it right — comply respectfully at the end of the prayer. Looking back, it was obvious that this was a trap.  Why else would the police officers wait 30 minutes until exactly that part of the service to ask us to remove our tallitot if not to catch us when we could not do so?

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