14 December 2009
I have facilitated an extraordinary Rosh Chodesh group for more than 10 years. This very special group of Jewish women gathers every month to study and share with one another. Over the years this group has grown from a collection of individual women to a true community whose members are deeply committed to the group and one another. Our meetings are places and times of safety, love and caring. This past Monday evening – December 14/28 Kislev – we dedicated our meeting to Women of the Wall. I had rented Faye Lederman’s film and we watched it together. We then had a spirited discussion about prayer and pluralism, men and women, appreciation for the religious freedoms we sometime take for granted, and sorrow (and anger) for women whose opportunities for free religious expressions are too often curtailed. We wanted you to know that we were with you in spirit that evening and you with us. I hope that some from our group may join you some Rosh Chodesh, praying with complete safety and confidence as Jews at the Kotel.
Wishing you courage, fortitude, patience and success,
Rabbi Kim S. Geringer

Susan Schneiderman, Debbie Weiner, Barbara Howard, Myrna Merritt, Rita Koral, Wendy Piller, Ellen Ozur-Brown, Sandy Bishins, Melissa Blackstone, Gloria Mayer, Rozanne Pollack, Sandy Wilpon, Frances Wu, Linda Schwartz, Jan Kulick, Linda Gooen, Cindy Feder.