Rabbis: Let the call of the shofar be the modern day call for justice and equality in Israel

A special call to action for Rabbis and congregational leaders, from Women of the Wall:f030

Rabbis, inspire your community with direct involvement in social change and connecting with Israel, through prayer. This coming month of Elul, let call of the shofar be the modern day call for justice and equality in Israel. Here is your chance to take part in the change you want to see for Jews at the Western Wall.

Women of the Wall, along with Jewish Voices Together and solidarity groups around North America, will be reaching out to Jewish communities during Rosh Hashana and the High Holidays, with resources for inspiration and action by rabbis and congregants.

Our goal is (at least) 100 congregations from all denominations sounding the shofar for religious tolerance and pluralism in the US, in Israel and at the Kotel.  Be one of the 100 voices, speaking with the blasts of the shofar.

Action Items for Rabbis and Congregations:

  1. Include Women of the Wall as a part of a sermon or a kavannah piece on this topic. Let us know about it
  2. Recruit and appoint a congregant volunteer as a liaison for this and other possible future projects
  3. Include new material from Women of the Wall as a handout or teaching tool for congregants
  4. Encourage a solidarity event to stand with Women of the Wall in your community in coordination with WOW’s 25th Anniversary, Nov 4, 2013

For more information email media@womenofthewall.org.il

Thank you!



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