Women of the Wall Pray in the Snow at the Kotel

February 20, 2015

Women of the Wall gathered this morning for monthly Rosh Hodesh prayer services, a 26 year tradition, despite inclement weather in Jerusalem. Fifty women walked to the Western Wall this morning from all over Jerusalem and gathered for a women’s prayer service in the snow. The women sang and danced, celebrating the new month of Adar and the bat mitzvah of a Brazilian immigrant to Israel, Carla Knijnik, who joined the group from Ranaana. Amidst the joyous, snowy prayer, a few ultra-Orthodox men threw snowballs at the women’s group from over the partition that separates men and women at the holy site (video available).

Women of the Wall will gather for their tradition women’s Megilla reading at the Western Wall in costume for the holiday of Purim on March 6, 2015 at 10AM.

On Friday March 12, 2015 Women of the Wall’s Team will run the Jerusalem Marathon in the name of pluralism, women’s empowerment and unity in the holy city.

For more information, interviews and photo/video footage, contact Shira +972 (0)546898351 media@womenofthewall.org.il



photos by Hadas Parush/Flash 90

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