Board and Staff

Anat Hoffman


Anat Hoffman

Chair of the Board

Anat Hoffman is a founding member of Women of the Wall.

Anat served for 20 years as the Executive Director of the Israel Religious Action Center, the legal and advocacy arm of the Reform Movement in Israel. Prior to that, she held a seat on the Jerusalem City Council, where for 14 years she challenged the policies of the city’s right-wing and ultra-Orthodox administration. She has dedicated herself to repairing Israeli society following the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam - repairing the world.


Tammy Gottlieb

Vice Chair of the Board

Tammy, originally from Rehovot was raised and educated in a Conservative home, and is an active member at Adath Shalom Emanual congregation in Rehovot. For many years Tammy worked for the Masorti movements in Israel and today is the Executive Director of the NGO 'Signing Anew'.

Tammy Gottlieb


Linda Avitan

Board Member

Linda Avitan lives in Rehovot, has a BA in Psychology from Rutgers University in NJ, and an MSW from Columbia University, NY. She was raised in the Conservative movement and has been active in the Masorti movement since making aliyah to Israel in 1982. Today, she is a board member of Adath Shalom-Emanuel Community in Rehovot. Avitan works with children and families, both in the public, Welfare Ministry framework as well as privately. She joined Women of the Wall in 2010 when police began to arrest women at the Kotel.

Linda Avitan

Ronit Boytner

Ronit Boytner

Board Member

Ronit Boytner has prayed with WOW since August 2016. She was raised in a traditional Jewish home in Ramle, by parents who were Holocaust survivors. Today she lives in Modi'in, where she is an active member of the Reform community "YOZMA," a board member of the Reform Movement, and on the oversight committee of Modi'in-Rochester partnerships. Ronit is a passionate activist in areas of Jewish and Israeli identity, pluralism, equality, and tolerance.
Ronit is married to Guy, and mother of Yarden, Nadav, and Dana. In addition, she raises a dog and two cats.

Rachel Cohen Yeshurun

Board Member

Rachel Cohen Yeshurun was schooled at Bais Yaakov of Montreal and was active with Beth Ora Synagogue youth. Rachel made aliyah in 1989 but took 22 years to discover Women Of the Wall! She received a Bsc. in Mathematics from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and is currently studying towards a second degree in Computer Science. Rachel works as a computer programmer and is chair of Kehilla Masortit Ma’aleh Adumim.

Rachel Cohen Yeshurun

Dina Greenberg

Dina Greenberg

Board Member

Dina Greenberg is director of projects for incorporating information systems at EPRP-Priority. She was born is Israel and raised in Moshave Nave Yerek. Dina joined WOW in 2013 looking for a worthy and just community for True Judaism.​

Batya Kallus

Board Member

Batya Kallus has been involved with WOW since she moved to Israel in 1991. She is the Israel Advisor to the Fohs Foundation, a private American foundation that funds organizations which advance shared society and equality between Arab and Jewish citizens in Israel, and Program Officer for the Moriah Fund. Kallus has a B.A. from the University of Massachusetts-Boston in community planning, and a Master’s in Human Service Management from the Heller School at Brandeis University.

Batya Kallus

Irina Lutt

Irina Lutt

Board Member

Irina made aliyah from Russia in 2003 with her daughter Sasha, who was a 1 year old baby. Sasha was the first girl to have a Bat Mitzvah with the Women of the Wall with a Torah Scroll at the Western Wall. Irina served the director of the Russian-speaking Women's Association "Kesher Project". She was trained to be a volunteer in the Sexual Assault Crisis Center (MASLAN), a group facilitator and founder of a Reform congregation for Russian speakers in Be'er Sheva.
Irina joined Women of the Wall in 2013 as a supporter and in 2017 became a board member.

Dafna Peled

Board Member

Dafna has been praying with Women of the Wall since 2013. Born in Jerusalem and today she lives in Modi'in, and is a member of the Conservative Synagogue "Shalhevet Hamaccabim". She holds a BA in philosophy and computer science from Bar-Ilan University, a master's degree in geography from Akron University in Ohio, and an MBA student from the Open University. She trains financially and effectively for families and individuals. Married with three children.

Dafna Peled

Bonnie Riva Ras

Bonnie Riva Ras

Board Member

Bonnie Riva Ras made aliyah in 2010 and lives in Jerusalem. She has been involved in Jewish communal service as a professional and lay leader for most of her life. She worked in communications/PR and as a writer and editor for a Jewish nonprofit. In the US, she was an educator in synagogue schools for over 20 years and she previously worked as a journalist for Jewish newspaper. Bonnie is currently working as a freelance writer and book editor.

Riki Shapira-Rosenberg, Adv.

Board Member

Riki is a Legal consultant for Kolech, a lawyer at the Israel Religious Action Center, and a lecturer at the Academic College of Kiryat Ono. Previous she served as Director of the Clinic for women’s rights and worker’s rights at the College of Management, Shaarei Mishpat College. Riki served a legal internship in the Supreme Court under Justice Daliah Derner and a post-internship at the Knesset Legal Offices.

Riki Shapira-Rosenberg, Adv.

Rabbi Susan Silverman

Rabbi Susan Silverman

Board Member

Rabbi Susan Silverman is an author, teacher and activist. She is the founder of JustAdopt, promoting adoption in Jewish communities in order to radically increase the numbers of orphans in permanent, loving families — with the added bonus of supportive social contexts. She is an advocate for social justice, pluralism and making Israel the place where Jews can be their conceivable best.

Rabbi Dana Sharon

Board Member

Rabbi Dana Sharon holds a degree in Literature from the Hebrew University, and was ordained by the Israeli Rabbinic Program of the Hebrew Union College (HUC). A prominent religious and feminist activist, she has served as the Chairperson of the Jerusalem House for Pride and Tolerance and volunteered for the Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center. She was also the Social Media Manager at IRAC for six years. Dana works for Rabbis for Human Rights and teaches in the Israeli Rabbinic Program at HUC. She lives in her hometown of Kibbutz Nachshon with her life partner Shay, her cat, and twins.

Dana Sharon

Rabbi Sandra Kochmann

Board Member

Rabbi Sandra Kochman was born in Paraguay and immigrated to Israel in 2005. She was ordained by the Rabbinical Seminary in Latin America in 2000 and holds a Bachelor's Degree in nonprofit management from Bar Ilan University in Argentina. She was the first female rabbi to serve the ARI community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sandra currently serves as the coordinator of the Conservative community in Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem and deals with the issues of marriage, conversion, and the Kotel’s egalitarian section, Ezrat Yisrael, for the Masorti movement.



Yochi Rappeport

Executive Director

Yochi was born in Safed and raised in an Orthodox environment. She served in the Israel Defense Forces as a commander in the Nativ Military Course, where she taught Judaism and Zionism to new immigrants and non-Jewish soldiers.
Yochi pursued a degree in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies at Bar-Ilan University.

Passionate about religious pluralism and gender equality, Yochi joined Women of the Wall in 2016 and became its Executive Director in 2019.

Beyond her professional role, Yochi is committed to social impact. She volunteers with an initiative that helps women from East Jerusalem integrate into the workforce, creating opportunities for economic empowerment.

Married and the mother of two daughters, Yochi is dedicated to making Jerusalem and Israel more inclusive and tolerant for future generations.

Yochi Rappeport

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