Tallit of Sisterhood

 Words and Music by Sheila Firestone

Verse 1

Black and blue stripes,

 the bruises my sisters have suffered.

A covenant of soul and spirit.

Bruises gained on the way to finding torah and sisterhood.

I wear them to remember,

 those who suffered.

Never forget those who lost their way,

who never connected

with their sisters and torah.

As I wrap myself in the tallit of sisterhood.


We stand together bound by our  soft voices.

                                                  We stand together

Bound by our strong purpose.

Tikkun! Zachor!  Sh’ma!

Justice, justice you shall pursue.

Verse 2

Balance us with your energy oh God,

Black and blue are the colors,

bruises on my sister’s bodies, minds and soul.


I will never forget my sisters in need.

Never forget!

 Give Strength to stand tall.

 Ancient blue threads,

sewing our souls together

As I wrap myself in

the Tallit of Sisterhood.


 We stand together

Bound by our strong purpose.

Tikkun! Zachor! Sh’ma!

Justice, justice you shall pursue.

Tikkun! Zachor! Sh’ma!

©2010 Sheila Firestone

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