Privileged to support WOW, by Mark S. Anshan

Privileged to support WOW, by Mark S. Anshan

Rosh Hodesh Tamuz
Rosh Hodesh Tamuz

On June 21 I had the privilege of being with the Women Of the Wall as they held scharit services at the Wall for Rosh Hodesh. Each month women from all denominations come together to pray. This is an important organization that is fighting for religious freedom and equality in Israel. The rabbi in charge of the holy places and the Wall has continued to assert directives that make it difficult, if not impossible, for women to pray freely at the Wall as they choose. The latest conflicts involve the wearing of tallit and carrying the Torah.

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Reflections on Rosh Hodesh Tamuz, by cantorial student Jen Rueben

Reflections on Rosh Hodesh Tamuz, by cantorial student Jen Rueben

Rosh Hodesh Tamuz services
Rosh Hodesh Tamuz services at the Western Wall

I had the incredible privilege of praying with the Women of the Wall for their Rosh Chodesh Tamuz service this past week. What an experience to usher in my year of cantorial study in Israel!

The morning started out peacefully. We watched the sun rise over the Kotel as we prayed. I was touched that some men stood behind the divider in the back and prayed with us. A few dirty looks were sent our way and a couple of people plugged their ears as they passed to keep from hearing our singing. Despite this, for the first time, I was able to pray at the Kotel with my tallit wrapping my shoulders. I was able to add my voice to the prayers of my heart in this place that is so holy to my people.

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  Why Rabbis Across the Spectrum Support Women’s Rights at the Kotel in Jerusalem? Join us!Tuesday, November 15, 20117:30 to … Read more

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