The Kotel will bring us together!
Rosh Hodesh Av | What happened at the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs meeting | Torah reading class
Rosh Hodesh Av | What happened at the Committee for Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Affairs meeting | Torah reading class
3 Years for the Kotel agreement cancellation | Save the date: The Dangers of Excluding Women from the Public Sphere
How can we stay connected during these times | Save the date for our next event
Women of the Wall are back at the Kotel – Save the date for our Shavuot event
A lesson given – Israel’s new government – WOW in action – Shavout event coming up
The Passover story is filled with tales of powerful women.. – A biblical discourse כםר Passover
For the firat time in 31 years – Women of the Wall will not be praying at the Wall
Virtual prayer service for the welfare of the world
Long lines at security followed with body searching us – despite their efforts, we read from a Torah Scroll